Friday, July 11, 2008

Trying to get some bearings...

It's been a while since I managed to get back to the blog and I have a lot to say. At the same time, I really want to learn how to say whatever I am trying to say in less space. One approach could be to use several smaller blog postings (to create the illusion of using less space). Another is to try and use visual media (to really use less space). I think I will use a combination of the two.

In any case, here are the main things on my mind that I want to blog about a little bit more (though not in any particular order) in the coming days:
  1. How most communication takes place (and why)
  2. How this leads to the mess we're in (and why)
  3. What getting out of it might involve (and why)
  4. The place for spirituality in all this (and why)
All of these seem to be connected to each other - within myself at least. Making sense of this all will be an important part of my own learning journey. All this is inspired by various things I have experienced and read over the last couple of months, including:
  1. Re-visiting my early reflections on Action Science
  2. Reading Dave Snowden's work on stories and complexity
  3. My recent engagement with anthropology
  4. Reading the Katha Upanishad and the Tao Te Ching
  5. Facilitating communication between a volunteer and organisational staff
  6. Witnessing various conflicts within my 'home' and within the organisation
  7. Late night and other engaging discussions with friends on much of the above
  8. A good bit of improvised fictional story-circle
  9. Some reflections on stepping out into the unknown and how this makes me feel
Let's see how this unfolds.

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