Wednesday, July 2, 2008

If I were God... Oh but I am - if only I could realise it!

After that last outburst on narratives, which seems to have opened up an entire new dimension of reality to me, I started reading San Beck's translation of the Katha Upanishad. This marvellous story, and I really mean MARVELLOUS STORY, is a must read. This little quote gives a taste of what it is trying to tell us:

Know the soul as lord of a chariot,
the body as the chariot.
Know the intuition as the chariot driver,
and the mind as the reins.
The senses, they say, are the horses;
the objects of sense the paths.
This associated with the body, the senses and the mind,
the wise call 'the enjoyer.'

But why did I start to read this? To be honest I have a little theory about the Upanishads - one that I have long been nurturing but that makes itself clearer to me every day. Upanishads means (etymologically) 'to sit down beside/close to'. Usually, it is presented as sitting down close to the Guru - but I think that this is unnecessary Guru worship (and this is where I defect). Doesn't the Guru learn from his student? What, nothing at all?

Perhaps we all host a collective Guru when we sit down close together and talk from the heart about what really matters - at moments it is you, at moments it is I (for This is That) - and together we learn in communion with a self that is self-transcendent - more than just you and more than just me. And this is what is so beautiful. Even while having a conversation with Death itself!

Sounds like the foundation of a great community to me!

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